Thursday, December 23, 2010

maw maw

My MawMaw turned 80 years old on December 23rd. For her birthday, I asked our family to send me images of her over the past 80 years, write a story about her or a letter and it has been amazing what has turned up. It has been very special for me to relive some of these memories and especially to see the look on her face as she flipped through the pages of this book I put together. We laughed and cried and laughed again over the few days I was with her. I am so grateful for his time I had with her and all the lessons I have learned from her.

The most important things I've learned are:

1. grandmothers are allowed to sneak you candy and no one has to know
2. any animal can join the family if it shows up on the porch and picks you over everyone else
3. always listen and never judge but when you judge, do it will a smile and kind heart
4. its better to speak with sugar than salt
5. if you dont tell family secrets to each other then no one can help
6. life was simpler when people had more defined roles and knew their purpose in life
7. belly laughs are good for your soul and contagious
8. livermush is not as scary as it sounds
9. its ok to dance like james brown
10. love your family no matter what they do, they're all you've got

Below are a few of my favorites photos:

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