Sunday, March 27, 2011


i am one lucky girl. i love where i live and everyday can feel like a vacation even when you stay home. life here looks good in any color.

Monday, March 21, 2011

spring has sprung

happy march 21st. spring has sprung and with it came 3 inches of snow...and it was beautiful

Sunday, March 20, 2011

my favorite mistakes

this polaroid thing has been a love : hate relationship. right now i am in love with my most recent mistakes.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

lily and louise

weekend rides in the snow have proven to be just what the doctor ordered. mules and horses, good friends, catching up, laughter, perky big ears and incredible views in every directions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

love song

How can I keep my soul in me, so that it doesn't touch your soul? How can I raise it high enough, past you, to other things?  I would like to shelter it, among remote lost objects, in some dark and silent place that doesn't resonate when your depths resound. Yet everything that touches us, me and you, takes us together like a violin's bow, which draws one voice out of two separate strings. Upon what instrument are we two spanned? And what musician holds us in his hand? Oh sweetest song.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy Valentines Day! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

happy chinese new year

Feb 3rd marks the Chinese New Year. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Perhaps above everything, this animal is associated with peacefulness. Cooperation. Harmony. The pleasures of daily life. Refinement. No undue stress. Some things that may have not been the focus in the past year or two, at least speaking for myself. So, Happy New Year...again. I wish you all peace and love in 2011. This is the year to breathe.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

setting intentions

As I look forward into 2011, I want to set my intentions by identifying one word that should set the stage for all things. One word, that if I can live by it, I hope to bring more peace into my life, by allowing this one word to happen, maybe I wont become such a lunatic in 2011. By following this one word, maybe Ill be happier, healthier, and more loving to those around me.

When looking back on 2010, my word is overwhelming. Everything, especially in the last half of the year just seemed to overwhelm me. Family, my job especially, the house, my marriage, my friendships...everything. I hit a breaking point after October and have decided things must change. Perseverance was a huge word in 2010 as well and with all that perseverance, I admit I lost a lot of passion. I have to get that passion back, because without passion...I mean really, what is the point?

So, on this first day of 2011, I set my intentions with one word to define the year. This word is: