Thursday, November 25, 2010

12 reasons I'll count my blessings

I guess its kind of cliche to make a list on Thanksgiving of all the reasons your thankful. We typically go around the dinner table in my family and say it outloud to each other, i love doing this, but its good to write it down for those times in the year when you may need some reflection or a reminder of how blessed we truly are.
“Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level. We need to literally “count our blessings,” give thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already have.” — Shakti Gawain
12 reasons Im thankful this year: 
1.  simple moments with those you love

2. all the chances I've had to see new places

3. Pepe and his cuddles

4. moments when I'm in awe at the power of nature
5. old friends that never get old

6. places to nap and decompress
7.  LuLu and the lessons she taught before she left
8.  chances to just have FUN
9.  a summer of horses and being truly in the moment

10.  all the new faces in my life this year
11.  Peace. Freedom.

12.  realizing that family matters most

Friday, November 5, 2010

I want to go to there

I want to go to there....this is something I find myself almost always saying as the week comes to an end and I take my first deep breath...sad, I know. Actually, sometimes it happens in the middle of the week or even at the very beginning. If it has water, waves, sand, my husband and some music, I typically want to go to there. Somehow, the urge this week seems stronger than ever. Its November and its only 60 degrees in Colorado so I shouldn't even begin to complain about the cold, but there is a need for that one last sunburn, that one last salty lips kiss, no socks kind of freedom I am yearning for. I am happy in this place when I go there.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Favorite Views

There is something about being on a horse and the view from that perch that has changed my life this past year. Even Fergus's little frostbit right ear makes me smile as I look down his long neck out to the peak of Mt. Sopris. I could sit up here all day. And because of this, and the happiness I get from this view, I thought Id start a section of my blog dedicated to My Favorite Views. Here we go..